Wednesday 24 August 2011


last it comes to the ends,..
the last assignment for this course,..
this time,.
we need to create a database y using openoffice base,..
First, we were asked to create table
in Design view that
consists of 4 separate tables.
Students, Parents, Curriculum and Co-curriculum table
with student ID as a Primary key.
Then, we linked all the tables with the student ID.
then for the last step of the assignment,..
we create some queries from the database,..

last but not least,..
tq to Mr.Kulan for everything,..
since its near to hari raya,.
so i wish selamat hari rayaa,..

WEEK 7A-spreadsheet

for this week,..
we also have to work on two task,..
first task is about spreadsheet,..
for this task,,..
we have to plan and create our financial management for one year spreadsheet by using calc,..
we have to name every sheet with the month,..

then for the second task..
we have to take a look at microsoft office excel,..
we learn hot to use many things in here,..

WEEK 6-creative presentation

for this week,,
we have to do 2 task,task 7a and task 7b,..

for task 7a,,
we have to create creative presentation by using Open Office Impress.
while for task 7b,,,
we have to create a movie by using movie maker,..
in this second task,..
i also learn how to use audacity in order to edit sound clip
as we need to edit the sound clip first before we comb9ne it into our movie,..

we have to update our blog,..

Wednesday 17 August 2011

week 5-Graphics, desktop publishing, word processor..

here comes week 5,..
the most happy week for us as the task for this week is easy to be done,..hahah
in this week, what we need to do are brochure and bookfold based on the previous lesson,..
so, my fren and i manage to do it easily without any obstacles except for internet line,..

week 4

the task for this week is to gather the data based on what we have done before.
in order to get the data, we must use SPSS software. spss is a software to collect the data from a survey that we had done by using software help us very much in order to collect all the data.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Week 3b,..questionnaire..

the task for this week is to create and answer question.
i and my partner, Mohamad Iqbal Afham had created one survey by using survey monkey.
besides, we also answering questions from our frens..
these questions help me to survey others opinion about our topic,..

Wednesday 27 July 2011

week 3a,..literature review,..

our task for this time is to write a report regarding on our topic in week 2a,..
my pair iqbal afham and I decided to write on how to ensure the effective usage of OSS in Malaysia. we are very lucky as all the source to be refer are given in the task,..its make our job become easier faster..

the first thing that we did when we got the task is we choose the topic first..

then,.we discuss on what area we are going to touch on,..

next,.we start looking for the information from the sources given in the task,..

all the sources help us very much,..

thanks to our coordinator for helping us with the sources,..

after that,we write our report by using open office writer,..

and the very last step is we upload the report in our yahoo group..

then our task for this time is finished.

Monday 25 July 2011


Our task for this week is we have to find information about CLMS. After that, i ahve to write a report about that using google.doc and upload it to my yahoo group. Here i want to share about CLMS.


A tool that allows the instructor to post
information on the web without that
instructor having to know or understand
HTML or other computer languages.

A set of softwae tools for delivering,
tracking and managing online training and

1. Assist in student preparation.
2. Enhance communication.
3. Improves collaboration.
4. Assist transfer of learning.
5. Connect with knowledge source.
6. Helps faculty keep up with the cycle of technology.

1. No limited place as long there is computer and internet.
2. Educational place.
3. In collaboration with others.
4. long-distance learning.

1. Government.
2. Prevention agencies.
3. Healthcare.
4. Automotive.
5. Transportation.
6. Financial service.
7. Education.
8. Small to medium enterprise.

1. Sign up for CLMS account.
2. Organise content.
3. Create your own module.
4. Use abbreviation to make it simple and clearer.
5. Create section and categories.
6. Display your content.

1. The site owner can easily edit, add or delete pages.
2. Edits go live immediately.
3. Content of many different types of information can be presented in many different
4. Better than standard websites.

1. Must have a webmaster to oversee security and functionality issues.
2. Freeform art-based websites are not ideally suited to a CLMS.
3. A specialist in a particular CM software used will be needed.

1. Apache Tomcat
2. JRun
3. WebSphere
4. Oracle BEA Web Logic
5. Sun-ONE
6. Zope


hai everyone. For week 2, my partner, Iqbal and I had been given a task to do some research on the topic Open Source Software. For your information, Open Source Software (OSS)refers to software that is developed, tested, or improved through public collaboration and distributed with the idea that there must be shared with other, ensuring that the software are opened to the public which also open to future collaboration. This software is free and everyone can get it easily. However, the user of this software must take the risk of using it as there are no guarantee that this software is safe and can be used with your computer. to give you more information, let ,me explain briefly about OSS.

Open Source Software (OSS) refers to software that is developed, tested, or improved through public collaboration and distributed with the idea that there must be shared with other, ensuring that the software are opened to the publi...c which also open to future collaboration.

Advantages of Open Source Software.
ü Free and capable.
ü Everybody have the right to modify the code of the software and make it suitable for their own environment.
ü New versions are released all the time because it is free and no profit is gained by programming the software.
ü Many people have access to the code, meaning that there are a large number of sources for support.
ü Free to use, free to be distributed and free to modify.

Disadvantages of Open Source Software:
Many development of software happens all the time and it is hard to search for the most up-to-date version. Not all hardware is compatible with the software. Most of them are not reliable No guarantee for updates.

this is some examples of OSS that can be use:

# Linux (see a computer operating system and kernel originating as a UNIX system and existing in many versions.
# GNOME (see a desktop development environment providing tools for developing desktop applications (as well as its own basic desktop applications) and available for Linux and other UNIX systems.
# KDE (see another desktop development environment.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

First class on 5th July 2011.

In this very first class for subject GGGE1155 Computer In Education, we had been given a crystal clear briefing on this subject. After that, our lecturer, YM Tengku Azlan asked us to create official google and yahoo account. he also told us to put our signature in each account. Since we already know how to create the account, he did not teach us that things.Next, he also asked us to create new facebook account and add all person in our class,he himself and the coordinator of this subject. After we fulfill all task successfully, he asked us to join yahoo group and also create our own yahoo group. since the process to create the yahoo group is quite difficult, so he showed us how to do that. Lastly, he also taught us about blogging and  also give us instruction to create our own blog. The first step to create a blog is we have to create a google account. Second step is we must register our google account with Next, we should fill our profile so that others can recognize us. Then we can decorate our blog by choosing the theme of our background and all that. Lastly, we can post anything that we want to write but try to avoid something that arguable or touch on sensitive issue. That is all for my first day in Computer In Education's class. Hepi blogging =p